Friday, August 25, 2006


Well so here we are... nearly a week on and here i am at the age of 18 beginning the 19th year of life on this place we all call Earth. Now what on Earth am i talking about? Well it was a theory from an interview the very surprisingly hot Denzel Washington said while on Parkinson. I don't remember the exact quote of it but the gist of it was that when a person turns a certain age, they are actually begining the next year of their lives. Confused? Took me awhile to grasp it too but here's an example... i turned 18 six days ago, i began the journey of the 19th year of my life.

So what's so significant about turning 18? Nothing that i can honestly say got me that when excicted. For the first time in my whole lifetime i was not excited nor was i particularly happy about my birthday. previously the excitement was awesome...truning a year older. But this year? Nope. It was depressing to say the least. I always felt that turning 18 was the worse part of a person's life and i had a theory that being 17 was perfect... i had some whole theory in words and i think sometime this year i read that theory of mine coming out from the mouth of the gorgeous Liv Tyler. Here's what it says: "It's no fun turning 18. Being 17 is perfect; you can get away with anything; and yet you're old enough to do what you want"… sheer genius i say! so those of you out there who are still 17 or even those of you itching to grow up i have this to say: Live all your moments and soak them up all you can cause you're only THAT age ONCE.

yes i am OLD. Why am i so depressed about it? well i guess it's cause i've realized in the past year or so i can no longer hide behind the innocence that being 17 offered. You were always able to push aside decisions and responsibilities that you didn't want to take or make. Nonetheless i know that the coming year will present itself with so many challenges and heartaches but i am preparing myself for them. I want to be able to look at all those and say to their faces "i'm ready for you...there's nothing you can throw at me that i can't handle."

Friday, August 18, 2006

funny me

I have got to be the world's biggest idiot...ha ha ha... i created a blog the other day but couldn't access it the next day cause i completely forgot my username and password....anyway i made sure i did everything right this time...heh...finally got my own blog...LOL

This'll be weird cause a lotta people know how opposed i am to blogging...but i was thinking the other day and i realized how many warped little thoughts i have in my head and i wanted to share them with someone but i couldn't think of a single person who would have the time of day, interest and patience to that's MY justification. so this is MY introductory entry and i hope you'll come back for more!