Monday, February 18, 2008

as i lay my head back down

just can't happen when you sleep

Friday, February 15, 2008

August 23, 2007

Heathrow, London- 6.15 a.m. local time

Yep. So this whole leaving thing wasn’t as easy as it started out to be but when the time actually came, it wasn’t AS hard as I thought it’d be. Yeah, there are heaps of you at home I love and miss but I know like someone told me, it’s time to start a new phase and as much or as big of a challenge this may be, what’s life without it? It’s time to learn to fall in love with another place.

There are hundreds of thoughts that run through my head of about how this whole new thing is going to be like and some of them are good, some are just a plain blank. I think I like the blanks better cause then I won’t have so many expectations.

Let’s hope this goes well eh?

six months on...this is where i am...has anything changed? have i grown any more?