Wednesday, April 11, 2007

mirror, mirror on the wall

self image.

oh how i loathe thee

"My relationship with my body is like that of an egomaniac with a self-esteem problem. Mostly I think about myself and how much I suck. But there are rare moments when I walk around for hours and think i look amazing. Either I feel great about myself or I've decided some guy is checking me out. Then I catch a side view of myself in a store window or a department store mirror and I'm plunged into despair. If I could always live in a place with no mirrors or disapproving glances, I would think that I was the prettiest girl around."
-Maggie from "Conversations with the Fat Girl" by Liza Palmer-

this aptly describes how i see myself sometimes. It does not bode well with me that I am that conscious of how I look and how much i weigh. Most of the time I can get by with feeling comfortable in my own skin but there are times when I become Maggie. If you ever get the chance pick up that book. It may be chick lit but it's the best story ever because it really is real and i'm sure that you will be able to find a piece of yourself if not in Maggie then in some of the other characters in the book.

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